Scholarship Program

The Viner Community Scholarship Program

Since 2015, Eda & Cliff Viner Community Scholars Foundation, a 501(c)3, has been providing 4 year scholarships to public Florida Universities or Colleges to academically deserving High School students in South Palm Beach County who have financial needs and are community service driven.

In addition to the 4 year scholarship, the foundation has established a mentoring program. All students are assigned a mentor to guide and support them through their college experience. In addition, a network of social service agencies and professional organizations are available to assist students with critical needs that may arise during their college years.

This is a Last Dollar scholarship –  students must access all other potential sources of financial aid first.  The scholarship will cover tuition and room & board expenses that are not already covered by other financial aid, up to $10k per year, per student.

The scholars partnership board consisting of prominent members representing the diversity of our community will review all applications and interview the chosen applicants.  After interviews the board will select the new scholars.

Scholarship Eligibility


  • Achieve at least a 3.0 unweighted GPA
  • Perform over 100 hours community service or working hours during high school
  • Demonstrate the need for significant financial assistance
  • Will be attending a Florida Public University
  • Attended one of our Partner High Schools
  • Be either a U.S. citizen or have the necessary legal documentation to reside and study in the United States

Viner Scholarship


  • High school SENIOR who attends one of our partner community high schools in Palm Beach County
  • Non-weighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Demonstrates financial need
  • 100 + hours of community service or have worked during high school
  • Must be attending Florida public college or university
  • Must be either a U.S. citizen or have the necessary legal documentation to reside and study in the United States


  • Complete the scholarship application using the link on our homepage or the link below
    • You do not need to complete in one sitting.  The application saves your progress as you complete the steps, allowing you to login and out of the application
    • The earlier you try to complete the application, the easier it is for us to notify you if something is missing.
    • The application requires you to answer basic questions and a few more in depth questions for us to better get to know you.
    • You will also be required to upload the following:
      • A copy of completed FAFSA SAR report and a copy of the first page (form 1040) of your parents’ most recent tax return to demonstrate financial need.
      • A copy of SAT/ACT score sheet
      • A copy of your college acceptance letter from the Florida public university or college you plan on attending
  • You must also ask your guidance counselor to email your high school transcript to our Executive Director Niki Knopf.
Apply Now

Application Period: December 8th, 2024 – to March 8th, 2025

High School Partners

  • American Heritage High School
  • Atlantic Community High School
  • Boca Raton Community High School
  • Boynton Beach Community High School
  • Donna Klein Jewish Academy
  • Dr. Joaqín Garcia Community High School
  • Inlet Grove Community High School
  • Katz Yeshiva High School
  • Olympic Heights Community High School
  • Saint John Paul II High School
  • Spanish River Community High School
  • Suncoast Community High School
  • Village Academy of Delray
  • West Boca Raton Community High School

Current Scholars' Requirements and Scholarship Renewal Forms

The Viner Scholarship is renewable each year dependent on the scholar continuing to meet certain criteria. To confirm that you are eligible to receive the scholarship for another year, please follow the steps below:

  • Scholarship Renewal Application Includes (to be completed in summer)
    • Request an official transcript to be mailed directly to the Foundation.  Requirements are to maintain a 3.0 or higher GPA and be enrolled full-time which is considered a  minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.
    • Upload a completed Community Service Form: Requirements are to perform and document a minimum of 25 hours of community service per college school year (Fall & Spring semesters)
    • Upload new Financial Aid Package for the following school year to include all grants and scholarships
  • Submit Monthly Mentor Logs (Minimum of once a week contact during first semester of college then twice a month for the continuation of your college semesters)

Failure to complete the renewal package may result in a late scholarship disbursement or cancellation of your scholarship. If you plan to transfer schools, please notify us as early as possible to allow time to process the change and avoid a significant delay in your scholarship.

Eda & Cliff Viner Community Scholars Foundation, Inc.
777 Yamato Road, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33431
[email protected]

Other Scholarship Search Resources

There is no need to pay a search service to find scholarships for you because there is a wealth of information available free of charge on numerous websites. Rather than listing individual scholarship websites, we have listed several credible national scholarship search sites below to assist you with beginning your search.